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Site officiel de Yoko Grandsagne

  1. ex Styliste-Designer chez Christian DIOR

  2. Créatrice du Mouvement RIMPA ART

Copyright ®   YOKO GRANDSAGNE  all rights reserved.


  Déclaration du Mouvement RIMPA ART - 17 mai 2010

    au Musée des Arts asiatiques, Nice

The RIMPA ART Mouvement

The RIMPA ART Movement aims to encourage the essential values of life and wants to revive the traditional Rimpa School through the eyes of the 21st century. I have created Rimpa Art in Europe to promote excellence in all areas of the world. Aestheticism, Spirituality Zen and Nature are the four key words of Rimpa Art.

Historically, Japanese Art crossed the oceans and gave birth to JAPONISM in Europe and the U.S. during the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th.  Art Historians attach as much importance to Japonism as to the Renaissance. Japonism allowed Japanese Art to permeate movements in Europe and the U.S. such as Art Nouveau and Art Déco.  It was a fusion of Oriental and Western Art. IN Europe, Klimt is the most representative painter of Japonism and the Rimpa School, which also include Impressionist and Post –Impressionist painters such as Matisse, Monet, Manet, Degas, Bonnard Gauguin, Van Gogh, Renoir and the Americans Whistler and, more recently, Sam Francis.

According to several Art historians, the Rimpa School ended at the turn of the 20th century but this affirmation is debatable. During the “RIMPA SCHOOL” show in 2004 at the Musee  National d’Art Moderne de Tokyo, Andy Warhol was also considered as a descendant of this school in the same way as Klimt, Matisse, Bonnard, Redon and Moser.  At this show, the word RIMPA, until then written in Japan in Japanese ideograms, was expressed in letters. This is the moment which consciously recognized that RIMPA was  not only limited to a Japanese School but had become internationalized in Europe and the U.S.

RIMPA was often summed up in 3 words: Abstraction, Symbolism and Decoration. Today I would like to encourage the search for Beauty, Spirituality, the spirit of Zen, the  Recognition of the Love of Nature, while preserving the modernist and vanguard nature of RIMPA  by frequently using Gold in its creations.

With today’s new technologies and the power of the media we can “meet” more easily. In the name of the RIMPA ART MOVEMENT, I would like to invite artists from all disciplines not only painters, designers, ceramists, but also sculptors, architects, fashion designers, chefs, musicians, composers, dancers, poets, writers, landscape designers and environmental specialists so that our ideal might spread and become recognized.

In the 21st century with the frontiers between countries gradually disappearing, the world needs to embrace the four principles of RIMPA Art.  I am convinced that the values perpetrated for centuries in Japan will be more and more appreciated in the world whatever the race and nation.  We invite you to share these values and praise beauty.

Yoko Grandsagne  

2010  17 may

Traduction par Sarah Pervès

Historien d’art

Professeur à Polytechnique